Re: *new bookie 200% k hits!!!! Thread!!! Due to slowness of other thread!!* post up!
I'd do it but like yea. My family would certainly notice and I don't think that prize money would be enough to justify it. But one day!!! I'll kill the competition too pshhhh
3 hours? Was you trying to beat your masturbation record or something? After work drink some coffee and do what you can dude. Im kinda feeling the same way but just gotta drag my ass in there..after breakfast and the price is right
I would except for a few things.
1. Im at the tip of my genetic limit, So massive transformation would take lots of $ for supplements.
2. Not going to pay $100 just to be considered, and have to shell out for supps.
3. Not a fan of posting self pix online.
4. If I did post pix online all you Mos would jack off to me everyday