New member
I thought everything was going well with my chest training. I worked my way up to benching 365. That's a personal best for me. Then I started to get tendonitis in my right elbow. I kind of dealt with the pain. Then I noticed that my form on bench seemed kind of weird. Both sides weren't firing the same way. So I went to a vertical bench machine and tried to bench one arm at a time. The right arm (the one with tendonitis) I could bench fifteen reps with the weight. I did the same weight with my left arm and could only get six reps. That's a big difference. Apparently I've been overloading my right arm while doing bench, hence the tendonitis. How do I bring my left side up to my right. I'm guessing dumbells or hammer strength machines. Does this mean I will have to sacrifice some of my overall strength and work lighter to get the left side up. Any advice would be appreciated. Has anyone had the same problem?