In 6am
Out 645am
Was hoping to get in few sets of lunges at the end. But once again stuffed around by work. I might need to get in 30min earlier now . Bit of a slog 530am when juggling kids bed times then trying to stay up to get some action off the wife. Should just go to bed early the strike rate isn’t that great.
Wass good workout tho. The shirt I was wearing was difficult to get off coz of the sweat
ISO - lateral leg press hammer strength plate loaded.
Weight per leg- alternating
50kg x 12
70kg x 12
90kg x 12
110kg x 10
110kg x 9
110kg x 8
Standing calf raises
115kg x 20
115kg x 18
115kg x 17
115kg x 15
Prone leg curl - matrix
45kg x 16
54kg x 12
54kg x 10
54kg x 10
Leg extensions- precor
73kg x 12
93kg x 12
93kg x 10
93kg x 8