ok its week 5 now and the MAGIC is rearing its beautyful head. dont ask about weight because my stupid gym doesnt have a scale.. pants are so baggy now..... its refreshing to see results from the hard work and dedication.. im out of primo at the moment so i switched to the evil testosterone to stack with my winny. im only doing 50mg e3d or so. i hate test as it is thats why i keep it really low.
diet has been
40g whey pre workout
40g whey post workout
dinner- huge steak and 3 eggs
4 table spoons of natural pb through out the night (night shift)
8 buffalo wings 2x a night
a gallon of water every night
monday shoulders 8 sets 8 reps
tueday chest 6 sets 8 reps
wedsday back 8 sets 8 reps
thursaday HIIT cardio/abs
friday full body depletin + carb up
satyday eat/chill/sleep/fuck
sunday legs 8 sets 8 reps
keep it simple guys!!!!
diet has been
40g whey pre workout
40g whey post workout
dinner- huge steak and 3 eggs
4 table spoons of natural pb through out the night (night shift)
8 buffalo wings 2x a night
a gallon of water every night
monday shoulders 8 sets 8 reps
tueday chest 6 sets 8 reps
wedsday back 8 sets 8 reps
thursaday HIIT cardio/abs
friday full body depletin + carb up
satyday eat/chill/sleep/fuck
sunday legs 8 sets 8 reps
keep it simple guys!!!!