nvrbuffenuff_girl said:I did read your post where you mentioned going to an escort is the best bet for you in your situation. Great! Good for you. More power to you, seriously.
I obviously view sex in a completely different manner than you do. Again, this is great for both of us. I would be turned off knowing that the person I was being intimate with was not into me necessarily. Knowing they were doing it for the money would make me incapable of performing.
BTW, I don't pay for pussy or cock. I've never bought anyone anything with the mindframe of, "If I buy him/her this thing I know I will get some!".
In the end, you are doing something that satisfies you and I am doing something that satisfies me. As long as you can go to bed at night happy with yourself you have nothing to prove to anyone anywhere.
I am not sure I went to bed happy with myself. My major point of this story is not to brag, but to tell everyone how weird and truely not fun it was compared to what I expected/wanted.
Well, you sound quite intelligent and philosophical, we would be a good match, want to get together? Are you single, how old???
I need a good woman to take care of, and to take care of me.
btw: Yes, I used an escort but that does not mean I am a dirt bag. You would be very, very surprised to know what I do for a living!