DIP DIPS WEIGTHED DIP AND MORE HEAVY WEIGHTED DIPS, they are exellent overall tricep builder but especially the lower part of the triceps.
VERY STRICT PREACHERS AND INCLINE DUMBELL CURLS wilp hopefully elongate the biceps
Regarding the foreamrs, i found that thick REVERSE bar and cable curl are superior to hammer curls as the reverse curls works biceps, barachialis en brachioradialis and wrist flexors, while the hammer curl mainly touches brachialis and biceps
Do the reverse bar curls on a scott bench, use a str8 bar if your wirst can take it
Do the hammer curls as last exercise
VERY STRICT PREACHERS AND INCLINE DUMBELL CURLS wilp hopefully elongate the biceps
Regarding the foreamrs, i found that thick REVERSE bar and cable curl are superior to hammer curls as the reverse curls works biceps, barachialis en brachioradialis and wrist flexors, while the hammer curl mainly touches brachialis and biceps
Do the reverse bar curls on a scott bench, use a str8 bar if your wirst can take it
Do the hammer curls as last exercise