todays workout... legs
did front squats to warm up my knees and hips for the torture to come... my max with 225 is about 10 reps...
front squats
5x225 YouTube - warmup, front squats 5x225
Nice moya very nice loving them dam front squats. So does your knees!
leg sled
did a warmup still to get a feel for the weight
5plates per side x5
9ppsx3 used light knee wraps
10pps (1067lbs) YouTube - leg sled, 1067x5 into dropset from hell used heavy knee wraps and dropped down during the set...
This right here fuckin rocks dude. Only 2 things. Your helper needs to get off his ass and be more in tune with you bro, he is not helpin you too dam much.
Also just give this a try. Try em bbr style. By that I mean no pause on lockout. Dont even lockout, bring the weight back to you just shy of lockout. This way you keep constant tension on those quads. I know youre about strength, but for the contest you gotta think looks bro.
walking lunges
8 reps/legx135
8reps/legx225 YouTube - walking lunges 8x225/leg used light knee wraps... i really feel these in my calves... glutes and legs too, but these get my calves really pumped...
Nice bro, nice!
pistol squats
a few sets like this... YouTube - pistol squats
see the wicked pump i get in my quads from these...
So youre a saddistic little fart arent you brotherLOL
box jumps
start off doing a few reps at lower heights,
then end up with... YouTube - box jumps, 15 steps+platform, pistol squats
some pistol squats at the top, lost balance towards the end, had to put myself back in check...
To be young again.....
shrugs and sldl
i dont to these very often, just had so extra energy and my deadlift can always use some extra work...
10x135 shrugs/ 10x135 sldl
10x225/ 10x225
10x275/ 10x275 YouTube - shrugs 10x275, sldl 10x275
moya bro, the way you do shrugs is not good for you neck. Next time you do them have your partner put their hand behind your head when you are standing there with the weight. Then you will be able to feel not to punch your chin forward the way you do.
Also give power shrugs a shot, you may like them better.
sponsored by fueled by Gentlemen's Club Anabolics... with lots of chalk and hate...
next week will be filming deadlifts, rows and db pullovers on wendsday... thanks to my wife for taking the time to video my lifts...
a good workout, not my best ever but wanted to get a good variety of exersises in and work on a pump... also the low carbs are a bitch to work with...
Ok competitors, this bro has taken off the kidgloves. Hope you all are paying attention cuz he is gonna be a force to be reckoned with.
Nice moya.....very Nice!
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