i hear you on the money part... the diet itself is expensive enough, throw in a couple supps, and some ancilaries.... and i have 3 kids and a mortgage to pay...no sir, i dont have any of what i'd need to jump back on. And its been out of my system for 11 days, i'td be another few before i had anything and i should be starting the rest my pct at that point. I also agree peptides would be an option, but i dug a HUGE financial hole with this contest and cant throw any more $$ at it.
then missing a week of work to go to Miami, if i come in 3rd i would only break even for just that week... but i would still do it for the experience, even if i only broke even on the trip...
luckily i have a vial of GCA npp thats been waiting for me, will hit that up asap if i make top 3...
monday... 4/25/11
bench press
warmup 12xbar, 3x95, 3x135
2x10x160 working on form, tucking elbows, MUCH EASIER...
close grip bench
incline bench
2x10x130 made all my bench reps this week!
db fly
tri kickbacks
delt side raises
12x25's drop 10x20's
leg extentions
one leg extentions
20x70, alternating 5 reps/leg at a time
ab crunch machine
20min sauna, 2 sets incline pushups, stretching, light yoga and some planks...
keeping carbs high for now... bw 155 (up 10lbs)