Hi Daisygirl my diet and training are as follows:
My current diet consists of:
Breakfast 1/2 cup cooked oats with 1/2 cup of 1/2 skim, 1/2 water
4 egg whites, 1 yolk
Morning Tea 2-3 rice cakes with a little peanut butter
Lunch 100-120g turkey or chicken breast with lots of salad
Afternoon Tea Protein shake, 1/4 cup no fat plain yoghurt, 15-20 almonds
Pre Train Dinner 1/2 cup rice, 1 cup greens only
Post Train Dinner Protein shake, 120g chicken breast or deep sea perch
Late snack 15-20 almonds
My current Training routine is:
3 day train, 3 day cardio
Day 1 - Chest/Tris/Bis/Abs
all 3 sets x 12 reps
Bench Press 39kg
Incline Flyes 9.5kg
Peck Dec 30kg
Tricep rope pushdown 30kg
Hammer Dumbell Curls 9.5kg
Cable Curls 25kg
Fitball Crunches
Cable Crunches 45kg
Day 2 Cardio
10min bike
10min treadmill
10min rowing machine
10min elliptical
10min treadmill
Day 3 - Legs
all 3 sets x 12 reps
45 degree leg press (narrow) 120kg
Plie' Squats 32kg
Single leg extension 20kg
Barbell straight leg deadlift 37.5kg
Smith machine lunges 20kg
Ankle strap leg curls 60kg
Toe presses 55kg
Seated calf raises 30kg
Day 4
same cardio as day 2
Day 5 - Back/Shoulders/Abs
Smith machine pullups (own weight)
Cable rows 25kg
Bent over Dumbell Rows 8kg
Shoulder press 35kg
Lat raises 5 kg
Dumbell upright rows 8kg
Rear delt flyes 7kg
Fitball hover (30 secs)
Fitball jackknife
Day 6
Cardio as above
My sleep is approx 6hrs
My cycle hasn't happened for about 2.5mths (no not pregrnant) when I started training about 11mths ago I weighed 90kgs (approx 198lbs) I have lost 22kgs (48.5lbs)
and in that time I had gone 5mths without a cycle then 2 cycles now without nearly 3 cycles.
I drink at least 2ltrs water daily.
Necia, I am only taking protein supps at the moment but think I should be on more as I have a comp in 10 weeks. It is really cold here as I'm an Aussie and are in the middle of winter.