Guys,guys guys- if you go out there with the attitude that all women are evil then no wonder you are not in relationships. Women can smell that attitude. Sometimes it looks like confidence at first but its obvious nonetheless. You can be careful without thinking women are only out to screw you over. Maybe your looking to hook up with the wrong kind of women. Women by nature are kind, despite our societies influence on them to be independant and whatnot.
I have a wonderful relationship(as I'm sure Stromba does as well)- my girl likes girls too but its not like she lusts after them of something. It is simply an option if we BOTH feel like it from time to time. We dont do it often but once in awhile its fun. Its that simple. To her, there is no replacement for my almight dick. There is no secret motive like she wants to hook up secretly with all kinds of chicks. Its just not necessary. The rule is: if your interested in other chicks it has to be done with each other- simple enough. If you are as good in bed as you think you are then you dont have to worry about your girl wanting girls more than you. Know what I mean?
Now, you dont want to "settle down" with a bi-stripper who is known for doing 2-3 chicks a week but that is obvious isn't it? Not all bi girls are sluts. You guys could be missing out on allot of good women by having such a bad opinion of them.