Well........ i spent the night of the 4th with the inlaws and then drove back home and worked out while running late to spend the holidays with my family. oh well..... cut the workout short but still had a great one.
Low Box Squat (off of a milk crate, nothing else!!!!) 365 x 1........ pr and to be truth full a little too easy..... had a sticking point but my speed pushed threw it. so i should be able to do a good bit more next week.
ST Leg Deadlift - 365 x 3.......... no straps, belt wraps or chalk or anything. same with the squats.....i only used elbow pads on the squat becuase of bicep tendonitus.
Glute Ham raise - 10lbs x 4 x 6.
that was it........ man are my hammies sore today......... oh well i just ate im going to rest and then i will go push the ole jeep.