SO, Im at 275-285 (depending on if Ive taken a s**t or not) at 11-12% bodyfat. I got all the muscle I want and all the gear I could want. Im going to be 240Lbs @6%bf in thirty days. Heres how and I dont care if I lose 10lbs of muscle. An omelet for breakfast. And then for lunch I go to Safeway and buy a roasted chicken. I'll eat the legs and the thighs first (they taste better warm and have more fat which keep cravings at bay for the afternoon. Then for dinner I scarf downboth chicken breasts. Im so sick of chicken breasts that this wil ruin my appetite for the rest of the night.
30 days/ 30 chickens, at least 30lbs
Think I can do it. Ill post my results. Im on day 3. I am dedicated to this-thirty chickens will give up their lives for this!!
30 days/ 30 chickens, at least 30lbs
Think I can do it. Ill post my results. Im on day 3. I am dedicated to this-thirty chickens will give up their lives for this!!