Lay flat on your back, feet shoulder width apart on the floor as well.
Raise feet 8-10 inches off the ground and alternate crossing one leg over the top of the other and vice versa. nice isometric contraction for abs, yes.
Start wide cross legs over each other, alternating which leg is on top.. adductor and hip flexors working overtime on this one, is this to add stress to the isometric contration?
Fold hands and place in small of back to relieve pressure. skip this, learn how to stabilize your spine in a neutral position, if you can do this exercise as was described anywhere beyond 45 deg near the ground(meaning you wont be 8-10 inches from the ground when you start), your "abs" wont be an issue. the hand in the small of the back thing is so that people dont have to work to stabilize their lumbar region under muscle control. its your choice whether this is a priority or not. leg raises and similar exercises are as worthwhile as situps; hip flexor movements with abs along for an isometric ride. [/B]