The issue is that boron is quickly eliminated from the body, so its much more effective when sipped throughout the day. Borax is simply Sodium Tetraborate, 5 boron atoms with a sodium atom...MSDS safety roughly the same as table salt...
20 mule team all the way, just make sure its unscented...if you know someone with arthritis, this is the cure...boron is to the parathyroid gland what iodine is to the thyroid...the parathyroid controls the calcium magnesium pump...without boron it fails to operate properly,letting calcium go into the muscle, but being unable to pump it out and replace it with magnesium...calcium gets stuck in the muscle, magnesium has no where to go so its flushed out of the body and the calcium can't get to the bones where it belongs...this is why calcium usually does nothing but hurt people with arthritis by making the problem worse...
Proof is countries with the lowest rates of boron like Jamaica have almost a 70% rate of arthritis where even dogs limp around and countries with the highest boron soil content have almost unheard of rates of arthritis of under 1% like Israel(0.7%)