Tuesday 12/30
Morning Cardio
40 minutes jog 6:00am....god I hate morning Cardio!
Lat Pulldowns
Held at bottom of movement for 2 seconds per rep...wife had to help some on last tow sets for last 2-3 reps...
now next week the goal is to not get help on the last few sets.
Behind the neck pulldowns
this 2 minute rest between sets is kicking my ass...I'm really feeling my age! Movement performed as above, holding flexed position for 2 seconds....I find behind the neck ,much harder...I have to use ALOT less weight
and you spend much less time in the gym. Spend it making food and with the family. Or even us here at ef
This is the Mother fucker of all....Needto..I love ya, but after these...you are a mother fucker!!
Damn these kick my ass!!!!!!!
Supersets of Cable Pulleys and DB Rows ( I literally wanted to die)
195X11 Cable, superset with 75lbsX10 L&R side
195X9, S.S 75X9L,R
195X8 S.S 75X8L,R
180X9 S.S 75X10L,R
At this point I cursed the day I ever set foot on EF!!!.....Holy SHIT.....I have never done supersets on back till last week on my first workout (before I got sick...didn't log it bros...)...Pump is just insane, but the two minute ret between sets withy all of this just kicked my ass...If you had a gun to my head I couldn't have done another set.....
Needto...thanks for the most insane workout of my life!!!