Looking for some assistance...I need I know what would be some gold simple carbs for my carb up half day on Saturdays? I had 2 bagels today but would like to have other options so I can plan larger intakes of carbs because I am sure I am not taking in enough for that day (I would assume I should be taking in around 400-500 carbs in the am then dropping them afterwards and keep protein high for the rest of the day and then go back to usual starting Sunday).
Looking for some assistance...I need I know what would be some gold simple carbs for my carb up half day on Saturdays? I had 2 bagels today but would like to have other options so I can plan larger intakes of carbs because I am sure I am not taking in enough for that day (I would assume I should be taking in around 400-500 carbs in the am then dropping them afterwards and keep protein high for the rest of the day and then go back to usual starting Sunday).
Feeling like shit, I'm sick but doing shoulders anyway (maybe I can knock it out of my system). Also for liquid Vicks so I can pour over the sauna.
Rotator cuff warmup
High rear cable flye 10 reps over hand then 10 reps ng hard squeezes
100x20x2 (single arm at a time)
Cable behind back side raises
Single arm Cable front raises
60x8 drop 35x12 drop 20x20
Standing oh bb press
185x6 drop 136x10
Not too disappointed as my shoulders were really fatigued before I even started these
Wide grip upright bb row
Reverse grip db press
55x6 (failed/lost form 1/2-3/4 rep range)
Side db raises ss bent over rear db flyes
25x12 ss 25x12
30x10 ss 30 x 10 set x2
Behind back bb shrug
Kept shrugs tame today will prob hit again when do back. Also have pretty bad shoulders and felt em flaring up a bit so just stopped
Some AB work
Was going to do the stairs but they were broken and everything else was taken up so I hit the sauna with some liquid Vicks vapor! Sinus's are at least clear lol.
33 minutes elliptical and 580 calories fasted am cardio.
Took 2 n2burn before coming and I am a sweaty mess (well more so than usual I should say). I will have to stack it with something for that bit of extra energy...I think I have some oxyelites left over I could use.
Feel pretty good though except for this sore throat which is just ruining everything.
Back day. Took 2 heaping scoops of ntkts...here we go.
1 arm cable rows ng
60x15 (warmup)
70x15 (warmup)
200x5 drop 150x5 drop 100x10 drop 50x20
Wide grip oh bar row
1 arm db row
Incline bench ng db row (face down on bench, DBS at same time)
Hammer strength hi iso row (add d handle to bar so can do it uh grip for lower lat isolation, everyone who I have showed this loves it and has become a staple in their back routines)
90x25x2 (only counting plate weight per side so 2 plates in this case)
Rope pulldown/overs
I am destroyed...can barely move. Back is pumped to the limit I feel, skin is super tight, feels awesome but mobility is limited haha. Time for some sauna and liquid Vicks over the rocks as I am still feeling under the weather.
Diet was good today. Missed one meal due to a meeting but my calories are still pretty good. My protein portions have been a bit on the larger side anyway and I ended up taking some Gear so hopefully that should have helped things out a bit.
Thanks Rachel. I'm trying whatever I can. Green tea, vitamin c, etc...I don't get sick very often so when I do it's a bit harder to get rid of. Thankfully this time it hasn't incapacitated me like normally happens when I get sick so that's a plus.