Rarely do I offer such praise, but my friend, you deserve it each time and more... The entire write up is significantly impressive but I want to focus and pin point on the quoted above... FINALLY, someone else with the proper knowledge devotes the time and FACTS to explain why taking steroids with excess body fat is such a bad concept... You brought up such excellent points, especially the concept of 12% body fat... Im sorry, but although 15% is not "fat", its not good either and anything over that is just ridiculous... There are VERY FEW exceptions that should use steroids at a body fat that high... I would say 95% at that percentage should steer clear... The exceptions would be power lifters, lineman, etc... Rare and abnormal circumstances... Not only is there the concern of high estrogen conversion, but chances are at that weight that blood pressure, cholesterol, amongst other things are of concern... ALSO, and VERY IMPORTANTLY, at that weight, its shows a complete lack of discipline with training and diet... It shows a half ass effort or half ass knowledge, both of which are extremely detrimental to overall health and success... It is evident that many at that weight are looking for a quick fix that will ultimately result in more problems... There are exceptions, especially people that have been dieting and coming down and for them, they are on the right track and do not fall into that category, but more often that not, it's someone looking for something in the wrong manner... This is a very serious problem, as you pointed out, and what that seems to be more prevalent each and every day... I am so happy that you posted this so that it can resonate to others out there and hopefully they comprehend what is being said and take action on it as opposed to being hard headed or lazy... To really enter this world, an understanding of what you are doing, a dedication to you health, a hard work ethic and a strong self intrinsic motivation need to be present to fully utilize what you are taking and doing... Excellent information bro... Thank you for presenting this to everyone and for being such a great member here...