I definitely wanted to cut out the cycle but was just busy as this has been the week from hell.
I'm glad you posted. I was beginning to think I was having a conversation with myself
Did you decide to cut out the T3 or is that just not on the list?
No, I just forgot to mention it. I use it the entire time.
Do you run MastP or MastE? With ED injections I assume prop but I've heard Dylan say he actually gets better results from e so curious to hear your thoughts.
I do something different. I run long esters for a while so I can make slow, solid gains. Then I flip it to short esters to give myself another hormonal spike and to reach a "peak plasma concentration." Prior to flipping to short esters I just used the same compounds just with the longer ester chain. Does Dylan like E better than P? I personally like them both and use them both in my cycle, so in essence I'm getting the best of both worlds.
But I do prefer short ester for the reason below.
Perhaps the most important thing is that short-chain esters (steroids of shorter half life) yield a much higher plasma concentration of steroid than steroids of longer side chain esters.
In some study, a single 100 mg/ml x 1 ml intragluteal injection of nandrolone phenylpropionate caused a peak plasma concentration of almost double that of the 100 mg/ml x 1 ml intragluteal injection of nandrolone decanoate.
This level remained increased for almost seven days, too. By fourteen days, even though the nandrolone decanoate ester demonstrated a much higher plasma level than the nandrolone phenylpropionate level, the net amount of both was so low as to be ineffective.
This tells me that the effects I can see from using 500 mg of Testosterone enth per week probably would not be the same as using 500 mg of Testosterone prop or even Testosterone suspension per week. I'm going to see better results with the propionate and even better results with the suspension. Sure, I may need to inject the propionate and suspension more often, but in the long run it will pay off for me at the most crucial time of my prep.
Do you use the HCTZ for bp reasons, water or both? I've heard using water pills/diuretics for more than a week or so can make muscles flat so curious with you running it 8 weeks.
When do you start?
I use it to smash water retention. Diuretics shrink fat cells, which is ideal for getting rid of them. After shrinking the fat cells and adding T3 and a thermogenic, those fat cells are history. Using water pills enable one to eat more because of the above mentioned reason, that's why eating carbs is crucial while taking diuretics, or you will go flat. You have to keep real hydrated while using water pills because the body will start using the its water at a more rapid pace, which means if you don't keep hydrated constantly then the body goes into survival mode and uses its stored water, which leads to bloating and perhaps dangerous adverse effects.
I cycle them for 2-3 months at a time..
And I'm EAGERLY looking forward to your further thoughts on how to use the mysostatin cycle/restart issue to best effect (I PM'd you about it and there have been some questions in this thread). With me coming up on week 14 of my cycle I've pretty much decided I'm going to ride it out 28 weeks to take advangate of the restart and want to make sure I do it the best possible way.