actually diamonds have relative value. they can be bought and sold more than what they'd be worth if De Beers (mmmm beers) would open their vaults and flood the market with all the diamonds they have in reserve. keeping the diamonds in reserve artificially inflates the value of diamonds. stupid women and thier love of diamonds.
Serve him dinner. I doubt you would walk out on him if you were in her situation w/her education level and business skills. She is a nothing w/out him, just another cute girl who is in her prime. She knows this and they have children together. Even w/half his assets, alimony she will not be in the spotlight much longer if she leaves him. Trust me she is staying put as 99.999% of most women in her predicament would...
I have no problem walking away with my favorite trinkets, my car and the ATM card in my pocket.
And you know what it would not be that he cheated (ok it is to a point) but that he would have shamed my family and would have made me look like an idiot.
A) Diamonds have no real intrisic value.
B) Diamons fund more crime, terrorism and voilence in the world than any other commodity.
C) She's hot but damn! No pussy is worth 4 mil! (LOL!!!)