New member
Its really not if I learned it in my food/nutrition and health classes.
University courses are never wrong.
Therefore, I am not wrong.
well it's easily debatable
Carbohydrates are not essential to life, humans evolved very nicely on minimum/low carbohydrate diets for milleniums, are oldest ansestors have proved that (zero plant life in arctic + dry regions). It's only been in the last century(s) that our culture has began making it the norm to saturate our food with sugar, throwing starch in every meal and loading up with sodium.
Try living on <50 carbs a day for several months, it's amazing how more mentally stable you beome, your energy levels are on a constant evenflow running throughout the day, better sleep, great wake. The body adapts to running on ketones, your appetite becomes stable and you don't even think about sweets or binging out on food, why? Because your insulin isn't spiking up and down all day from sugar and carbs. Finally you start to learn what you as a human are REALLY suppose to physically feel and mentally be like.