Quadsweeps Sister
New member
kano said:thanks guys today i am really sick i could not go to work and i cant keep anthing down.. Just sipping on tea and water.. How does this affect cutting.. And am i going ti lose alot of muscle being sick fucking sucks
Its that time of year when illness gets us all. Eat when you can and otherwise...."This too shall pass" - then your back to it. Progress is often measured in the way we feel so much more than the visual. Men (often) get a case of what I like to call the 'smalls' when cutting. Its easy to understand why this happens - muscle takes up less space than fat, but in appearance when one looks more defined - the visualizes a larger proportion. Visual trickery in a sense.
I see so much negativism in your posts - try some motivational exercises throughout this and you'll see ever greater results. As in any aspect of life - if you visualize your self successful; a winner...then you will be just that.