I'm wondering what my new diet should be:
Argument for higher cals:
(1) more potential to gain LBM increase solid intake of prot. by 60 full grams
(2) higher metabolism (I can feel a higher body temp than before - use to get cold extremities)correct which inidcates more metabolic reactions, so add 30 grams of fat and another 60 grams of complex carbs
Argument for lower cals
(1) since I'm not producing any testosterone naturally, do I need a high amount of fats in my diet? Anything above 40 seems to have no pointonly in the AM ( 3 eggs will do), and fats in the PM as in fish or steak or PB
(2) Given I now have normal test levels for the first time since I started training and feel physically much better, would I be able to cut/bulk easily for 2-3 months simultaneously YES but do a mini clean bulk for 6 weeks and a easy cutter last 4-6 weeks instead