Has anyone tried the omega project omega training 2x per day, 2-3 times per week. Something like this:
Day 1,3: Back/Bi (morning); Legs evening
Day 2,4: Chest
REST, and then continue cycle
I'm noticing the DOMS is manageable by the second day and wondered whether anyone has done that before and got superior results?
Another question, is even if ur primary goal is gaining LBM, what is the maximum cardio I should do?
I really like running, and haven't done it for 3-4 weeks, to try and improve leg mass. How many times could I run per week (or say play intense sports, e.g., squash) without compromising LBM gains. If so, what is better out of HIIT (say sprint intervals; or bike intervals on high resistance) v steady state cardio (5-10km runs)