I'm not going to start posting weights until everything officially starts.
However, today was a golden moment for me in the gym. At home, yesterday I decided to do one-arm rows with no weight, trying to do the entire motion simply by retracting the lats/middle back and not using the bis, and I thought "yes I've got it".
Well I tried this in the gym. I used pissy weights, but what I'm happy with is "yes, I think I've got this down", and secondly, "there is no lactic acid or muscle pain in my biscep, indicating its not being used"
Hence, now I'm pretty confident I have most exercises down in terms of the mind/muscle/contraction connection.
I still need to work on lat pull downs, although that's improving, and using my glute in the wide free weight squat (I have no leg press access) and SLDL, both of these I feel in hams ATM much more.