Made it to PT and back.....
The guy I got to work with, Marty, is very nice....know him from my pre-surgery PT sessions....he's a student at UofD even tho he's my age approximately - he's changing careers from architecture to PT....
Well, we unwrapped me completely and he manipulated my kneecap up & down as well as left & right.....I found I cannot do a leg lift type of movement as my quad simply won't "engage" - the signal from my brain to my quad must be turned off cuz I simply cannot lift my leg up nor can I fully squeeze my quad muscle.....he did some measuring on my leg & I was able to bend it to 90 degrees by doing wall slides....he had assistance from another PT to measure the hyperextension - she yanked on my leg to hyperextend it causing me to curse/yell LOUDLY --- and then I started crying....
When they raised the table so my leg was elevated to ice afterwards - the movement & pressure also caused me to cry.....So they made me cry twice today.....
I'm beat now and in pain..... Nurse!! Med me!!