Physical Therapy Update
4 months post surgery as of 8/4/06...
Got burst tested today.....I think I was "caught" as the test showed my left leg got stronger & although my right leg was also stronger, the ratio was off as my left leg is that much my right leg is only 77% as strong as my left.....thus Noel emphasized Unilateral leg exercises.....
To do:
**UNILATERAL (ie right leg ONLY) weight program....the only Left leg exercises I may do is 1) squats (start with the bar only) and 2) SLDLs....everything else *must* be with the right leg only....
Theory on this is is that since my Left leg is healthier, it will get stronger faster....thus no working the Left leg as he feels it will stay strong....
**I don't have to wear the brace anymore except for sports!! Yay!!
HAVE to start running....ugh!! He emphasized this very strongly as the stress on my leg/knee will help strengthen it.....running will be braced....
Guess I get to eat more due to this forced (and protested by me) cardio??
**I am allowed to do lunges also - but right leg only....and NO uphill lunges!! Start off unweighted then add weight slowly....
**There's been some argument on the use of leg extensions --- some theorize that the movement places too much shearing force on the knee & the graft...Noel disagrees & wants me to do them
**To help combat the kneecap pain I've been having whilst lifting legs - I've had to buy $28 of "special" tape to tape my kneecap towards the inside of my leg (looking down - towards the left)
**He has no clue about my calf pain in doing lying leg curls.....says if I continue to have significant pain to check with the Ortho next time I see him....