In my first month of WSB, I had to change form on EVERYTHING. My numbers sank...and FAST. My bench was at the bar, my squat went from 315 to 225, my deadlift was stuck in the 200's as well. It sucked, but I knew it was because I was learning to do things with better form...a form the would ultimately allow me to take one step back so I could later take two steps forward.
This cycle never ends. Just tonight, I barely deadlifted 309 and failed 364....even though 353 flew up last week. Just having an off night. It happens. My squats felt weak too.
I KNOW that sometimes my body slows me down because it's smart. I dealt with this ALL my life in sprint training. I would get really slow for a week or my body was doing some building and recovering, and wasn't going to expend extra energy for me to run too. Then, all of a suddden, BAM, 2/10 off my time. Same goes for training. I will hit 80 pound PR's for weeks on end. Then stay stagnant for 2-3 weeks (even went BACKWARDS once, which REALLY pissed me off), then before I knew what happened, the 265 squat hit 320...just like that.
You're body's smart. Listen to it.
We don't know for sure if you're using proper form. We don't know how closely you really adhere to the program. We don't know what you really eat.
If you think sled dragging is active recovery, you need to read the sticky up top. I went from being paralyzed from the chest down after a deadlift to doing 243 for 3 in bent over, chain suspended GM's starting from 36 inches off the floor....I did it in less than 8 weeks, and I did it with bands. Active recovery. 2-3 times a day.
If I didn't do Band AR, hot tub, massage, ice, eat properly, sleep, supplement as needed...there's no way I'd see results. This is HARD on your body. Your CNS gets F%^&*ED.
I don't know if WSB works for you or not, but I'm not sure you've given it enough time for YOU to know either.
When you first PMd me and asked me for a routine, I gave you the basics. There are SO many details, SO many form issues, SO many modifications to accessory work for weak points. If you were doing WSB in the most optimal fashion possible, I'd be VERY impressed.