Honestly.... a bulking diet is not a complicated matter. Now when your'e talking about guys taking diuretics, clen, T3, and such too lose fat you have a valid point. Which if you read my posts you can see I explain this to everyone.
Honestly.... a bulking diet is not a complicated matter. Now when your'e talking about guys taking diuretics, clen, T3, and such too lose fat you have a valid point. Which if you read my posts you can see I explain this to everyone.
Nelson I have to disagree with you to a point. It seems easier to me and evidently many of the bro's on this site that doing a basic cycle of test and maybe another compound for ten to twelve weeks followed by post cycle therapy is easier that putting together a proper diet plan.
Learning to eat properly to achieve ones goals be it cutting or bulking is much more difficult for the beginer. Most of these guy's/gals don't know the first thing about determining BMR. Then you get into breaking your diet down into macronutrients and determing what those should be for your body type to achieve the goal your trying to achieve. In addition many bro's don't know alot about cooking. Prepairing meals in advance. When to eat what meal, when to suppliment.
At any rate I for one feel like the diet end of this is as much or more a mystery then anything.
I'm fairly new to this whole game and would never pretend to know more than you about bodybuilding, use of gear or diet. I would just like more attention paid to it on this site in general.
I think Tatyana did a post that I believe is a sticky that will help many is this endeavor. Thank's Tat.
that's your opinion, totally goal dependant and also comes back to your body type ecto, meso, endo...
And yes, the reason a cutting diet is successful and why the drugs are not as successful comes down to hormones such as insulin that are diet related.
why? cuz most say they have diet in check to appease, when they really have no clue. gear use = instant gratification for alot of people. dieting although everyone says is so "simple and easy" takes dedication and discipline and that isnt instantly gratifing (sp).
why? cuz most say they have diet in check to appease, when they really have no clue. gear use = instant gratification for alot of people. dieting although everyone says is so "simple and easy" takes dedication and discipline and that isnt instantly gratifing (sp).