At 14 for starters you could take a decent run 4 or 5 times a week. Steer clear of fast foods, fried foods, soda, candy, white bread and pasta. Stick to lean proteins like fish, chicken, eggs, turkey, and lean cuts of meat. Complex carbs like yams, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat tortillas. But honestly at 14 your probably stuck eating whatever your mom is cooking. Like the other guys said there is a lot that goes into it, and diet is VERY important. So no one is saying don't start exercising, but, stay on this board for a while, gain some knowledge and work towards a more obtainable goal. I know you really want the 6-pack but if your overweight now just doing some good cardio and push-ups, crunches, chin-ups and pull-ups, in 5 weeks you would notice a nice difference at 14.