Milo Hobgoblin said:
This truly is one of EF's best posts ever.
The saddest part is how pathetic it makes women out to be.
That they give in so easily to "game" and how well it works with them. If I were a woman Id be ashamed at the truth in what is being said here.. A guy you can be proud of HAHAH but its NOT real ITS A FUCKING GAME! and evrytime you give into it YOU LOSE. Because that same guy that won your pussy with his "game" will be trying to fuck all your friends the second you turn your back.
You bitches that give into that shit are so fucking stupid its nauseating.
That you all are so simple minded that you fall for some dumb ass with a silver tongue before a decent guy with a silver heart.
Guys may easily fall for a beautiful woman with big tits a pretty smile and a perfect little pussy.. but at least we are falling for something you actually HAVE not something you fake. And it doenst matter how good the pussy is you CANNOT feign interest..
and we wonder why the rate of failing relationships is skyrocketing.
I sense a bit of hatred in your post… I hope you were not refereeing to my posts, I don’t want to come off sounding like I hate women. I actually love women, I love them all.
I don’t think we should look down on women for letting us enchant them with the spoken word, we should embrace them for it. If women were only attracted to us based on looks, then we would have only 10% of the male population getting 90% of the poohntang out there(the majority of the single male population is ugly and poorly maintained).
The fact that you can smooth a girl into bed with your charm, even if you are not great looking, actually gives everybody some hope… Shit! You can’t get a face transplant but you can surely get an attitude overhaul. You can’t learn to be good looking, but you can learn to be impressionable when you talk to people.
Back in the day… I mean way back in the day… Gentlemen would write poetry for ladies they were courting, men would take pride in being honorable and chivalrous. Women were proud of their chastity. Men had to actually work to get some poohntang. We would risk life and limb Jousting wearing a lady’s “colors” as proof of our love. Sometimes, years of courtship and letter writing were necessary just to marry a chick and get her into bed. Once they became our wife, we would defend their honor with our swords(now we get mad when they ask us to take out the garbage).
Then women became liberated, and started to actually have sex with us before marriage, they decided who they wanted to sleep with, they no longer asked us to woo them for years, a few dates would do just fine. They required less work from us in order to get into their bed. Then we as men got lazy, it became less effort to get some poonhtang and we stopped shining our armor and stopped writing them poetry. Chivalry died, but women’s natural desire to be swept off their feet hasn’t died.
Women still want to be romanced and won over even if we are just faking it, they want to hear nice things tonight even if we may ride off into the sunset tomorrow… But we think it is too much of them to ask. We think that having to be “smooth” is too much work. We think they should sleep with us just because we are “nice”, even if we put very little effort into winning them over. Then we get mad at the dudes that actually put some work into homing their wooing skills. Hate the game not the player… Some of us guys need to get with it…
That is just my opinion….