actually you have to know GD for some timejohngoes said:oh you have to admit, at some time in your existance, you will mature out of the "Why dont we get drunk and screw" mentality.
I mean, if you can walk in a door and get laid at any given moment, you must have to wonder, is there something more???
I mean the joy of raising a child to become an evil genius or raising another chile to become an even more evil genius!!
The mere idea of inserting a meattube into a stupid woman who probably is a contagious person of some unknown virus, or bacterimia is revolting at this point in my life.
I do not know how you could NOT grow out of that, I mean, sex kinda sucks with people you do not know, I mean really sucks and fraught with landmines waiting to be stepped on. Plus, sluts completely suck as human beings, why give them your time?
I mean I make 3-700 dollars an hour billable. Why give them that amount of time and the inherent headache?
I see you growing up GD and becoming a decent dad in the not too distant future. But if you have a daughter, think how you'd want a man to treat her, then treat women you meet the same way. With respect, not the GD angle of trying to do bed anything with a heartbeat, its not becoming\\\
btw, going sailing for a week straight, you should fly out and join me next wednesday on my sloop. Just the waves
he's actaully not into the quick fling thing
but it's fun to fool around with it etc.
these days one night stands for me last 2-4 months
and I realized I had to cut that out if I want to really find the wife