I guess I'm lucky, I started golf maybe 5 years ago but haven't played much in the past 2. Anyway, I used to be able to drive the ball well over 275 yards as a 15 year old kid; the adults I played with were always amazed. Now that I have some strength and size I can hit it about 350 if I really go after it (which I don't do much when I play since I tend to swing at about 70% usually). My only problem has been flexibility, my muscles tend to get in the way, so I can't quite stretch back as far as I used to be able to. All in all, positive effects here.
Anyway, good luck learning, it's a great game that I hope to enjoy for many years to come.
As Liftbig said, staying relaxed is very important. That's why I tend to swing at only about 70% since I am much more accurate when I do so. You can't overpower the ball like you can a weight; it's all in using the golf club to generate speed, not force.