april 1st is coming soon my man... i let you have a sneak peak... you can't let me win your own challenge.... hehhe i am motivated as hell right now... i am measuring my food and everything. Keep in mind I am doing this clean.
fuck off or just ignore me please.. i can't help it if i'm having a hard time adjusting to the stress of the past few weeks and i don't need your bullshit...
laps in the gym happen to the best of us...go out and spend a little money on some supps. nothing big just something to spice up the workouts. I take 3 hydroxycuts and an energy drink before i lift and find i totally fires me up. Then take a little pride and realize you are an Elite moderator and you should set an example for the rest of us,
I know what you guys are saying....lately after I am done teaching my classes it takes all I have got to go and do my own workout.. I just have been so busy ...at the other job.
Need a good shot of Spring Fever to get me back on Track!!
I know what you guys are saying....lately after I am done teaching my classes it takes all I have got to go and do my own workout.. I just have been so busy ...at the other job.
Need a good shot of Spring Fever to get me back on Track!!