Thanks you guys, excellent responses!
Thats just what I was looking for Needto! That discusion explained everything very well.
So basically and ultimately (im a sciencey guy but I am still learning and processing), Gear increases the amount of protein you consume by allowing better
absorbtion aswell as providing you with some super bio available protein in itself and Humapro
increases the NNU of any whole protein allowing for better retension of proteins aswell as providing EAA's for the body to produce its own proteins?
I understand Gear is much easier to take given you can use it anytime but that isnt really an issue for me, I can adapt to a supplement program if need be.
I would like to build lean muscle right now because my BF is 22% and cant afford to up calories. I am currently running about 2000kcal below what I am (approx.) burning but cant shed the fat. This isnt a discution about me though so I will post a new thread about that