E Elite_Fry Guest Nov 18, 2001 #1 hello.. how long would corrective spinal surgery keep you out of action for?... any ideas?
p0ink New member Nov 18, 2001 #3 I have no idea about that one, but I do know I wouldnt dick around with it. I would gladly miss a few weeks in the gym, then miss a few months if not more....
I have no idea about that one, but I do know I wouldnt dick around with it. I would gladly miss a few weeks in the gym, then miss a few months if not more....
A Abbaddon New member Nov 18, 2001 #4 thats way too vague. so the answer I will give is anywere from 3 weeks to forever. It all depends upon the type of operation it is.
thats way too vague. so the answer I will give is anywere from 3 weeks to forever. It all depends upon the type of operation it is.