To be honest, i can't remember where was at when i started. I'm 5'7 and around 165lbs now, but i've never been above around 10% BF in my life. I am lucky in that i have good muscle shape and proportions (28 inch waist) so i can look much bigger than i actually am. Keeping at a low BF serves an important purpose. It means i don't need cardio. Cardio will strip weight off me too easily.
You guys are much younger than me. I'm 30. You have many years ahead of you, and if you train consistently and hard, there is no reason why you can't look exceptionally good naturally by your mid 20's.
I never measure my bodyparts. I only use the mirror. If you can't honestly just use the morror to judge your progress, then there is something wrong. Too many people get caught up in stats and numbers.
Gman, do some sums now on what it will cost you to juice for the next number of years and also the risk of ruining your health, and then tell me whether you are not better off investing or saving that money, while making excellent gains naturally. I believe you can make gains naturally well into your 30's and even 40's.
The workout worked well for me. As a hardgainer, i have always trained with low reps 5-8, and concentrated on compound, free weight moves. I am now trying the 5x5 and i'm liking it. Never been interested in cables or machines, they won't do shit for you.
Deadlifts have been the single most important exercise for me. I'll never win the Olympia or look like a freak, but then again, neither will anyone else here. I look better than most of the population and my health is intact and i will continue to make gains naturally.