Oh I don't know about that 1
Brownies are pretty damn worth it
Not everyday of course but occasionly, they are my favorite by the way. lol
What motivates me? Hmm honestly I do. I set a goal for myself and don't give up until I get there. Right now my goal is to put on muscle, and am excited every training day, cause I want to see how much more weight I can lift. My weights keep going up, and it's pretty damn cool to see the dudes faces in the gym, when they see me reaching for the 25lb DB to bicep curl. Or when the guy (the only 1 I talk to in the gym) says you should hear how impressed the guys in here are with you, your so tiny and you're not afraid of the weight, and your form is always perfect.
I'm not a pink db kinda girl, gimme that hard grey plate babyyy!!!