all women are hookers
most have slept with a few hundred men, and you sure wont get down their pants without spending money on them
at least a hooker will suck your cawk
Hey Stryker...are you that desperate that you have to pay a fucking hooker to fuck you...Jesus Christ! If you're going to pay $200 to fuck why don't you pay $200 to get you head checked! I'm sorry but you might deserve to catch something! .....o.k I'm not sorry for saying that!
Hey Stryker...are you that desperate that you have to pay a fucking hooker to fuck you...Jesus Christ! If you're going to pay $200 to fuck why don't you pay $200 to get you head checked! I'm sorry but you might deserve to catch something! .....o.k I'm not sorry for saying that!
Hey Stryker...are you that desperate that you have to pay a fucking hooker to fuck you...Jesus Christ! If you're going to pay $200 to fuck why don't you pay $200 to get you head checked! I'm sorry but you might deserve to catch something! .....o.k I'm not sorry for saying that!