I won't profess to be an expert, but I was in the same boat as you in December last year.... I was ready to go to Canada for a holiday, but my previous dieting attempts had been flawed with carb binges every three days or so when I couldn't handle the cravings anymore.
So in the last two weeks, I cut out ALL carbs. And it worked for me!!
I know this goes against what most of the bodybuilding world says, but it really did work for me, and I lost a lot of fat and I got leaner in those two weeks than I had the ten weeks leading up to it. No supplements either. And the strangest part is, I believe I actually gained more muscle in those two weeks than I ever have.... including bulking phases. But it was very hard to stay consistent, and energy levels were the biggest problem.
This is what I did:
First thing in the morning before anything else, I had a cup of black coffee. Then I went to the gym, trained as heavy as I could, and did 20-30 minutes cardio at the end. Then, post-workout, I had the only carbs I would have all day.... which was maybe one glass of juice, or a piece of fruit, or a slice of bread or a rice cake. Not much.
Then throughout the day, I would have maybe 6 meals (I didn't have strict meal-times) of either: grilled chicken, steamed fish fillets, grilled beef, canned tuna or egg whites. I didn't count calories or protein.
Then most nights (but not all) I did some cardio (just fast walking) for 20-30 minutes about an hour before bed, after I'd had my last meal for the day.
Most people will probably say you'll lose a lot of muscle doing this, but I didn't notice any muscle loss. In fact, I felt fuller and harder than I ever had. Perhaps if you did it for longer than two weeks you'd lose muscle, I don't know. I'm only going on my experience.
The only problem, and what made me eventually stop, was energy levels. After a while, I think my glycogen levels went down to none.... and any physical activity (even getting up out of a chair) felt like I was running a marathon. I was exhausted 24/7. And towards the end I could barely climb a flight of stairs without thinking I was going to pass out, so that's when I stopped.
But if you want quick results, that's my suggestion. It may not work for everyone, and my sincere apologies if it's a disaster for you, but it worked for me.
Good luck with it.