Yeah, I always want to do cardio in the morning, & lift at night. I can usually lift when I want, but I can never get up to do the cardio. Sooooo, I'm gonna do the cardio when I can after work. Frankly, I'm not losing weight fast enough.
I feel I'm doing well with the lifting, but I know i'm not getting the cardio in. I gotta have balance. It's better for my blood sugar, too, to have both types of exercise.
The way I usually do it is as follows:
It's set for weight loss, I think, so that's programmed for 2 minutes on high, & 2 minutes on low.
I start with incline 5 & resistance 5, for 2 min. That's my low settings. First high setting is 6 & 6, next high cycle I set for 8 & 8, then 9 & 9, & so on. Also each low cycle, I do the first minute peddaling backwards, & the second minute forwards, & I try to stay around 150 strides per minute. On the high cycles, I work up, the first one at 160 spm, the next one at 170, & so on, to a mach of 190 or 200 spm. When I start, my hr is usually around 80-85 bpm. By the time I finish my last cycle on high, it could be anywhere from 150 - 170 bpm. At the end, for the cool down, I slowly ramp down, 1 minute at a time from incline 5 & resistance 5, to 1 & 1. By then my hr has gone from 160ish to 95-105 bpm.