Sunday's eats
2393 cals, 72g fat for 27.1%, 205g Protein for 34.3%, 231g Carbs for 38.6%
Meal 1
Cheerios 46g
Skim White Milk 176g
NOZ creatine mix
Meal 2
1% Cottage Cheese 300g
Meal 3
ANPB, 2 Tbsp
Liquid Honey 1 Tbsp
Meal 4
Pork Sirloin Chops 136g
Uncle Ben's Chinese Fried Rice 45g
B.S. Chicken Breast 76g
Meal 5
Rump Roast 181g
Skim Milk 250ml
Potatoes 63g
Cooked Carrots, 35g
2 slices Pumpernickel Bread, 101g
Meal 6, or snacks
ANPB 2 Tbsp
Liquid Honey 1 Tbsp.
Pre & Post WO Shake, & Supps
NOZ Creatine Formula
No workout today, except mow the lawn fairly fast. Calvers are very sore from Ball tourney. Back in the saddle tomorrow..