I know this wasn't posted up today...but saw this post and then the one after where you started talking about T-Rex.
Have you thought about making the nutrition a little less complex? Isn't life already busy enough to add in more work for yourself where eating is concerned? All the folks who I worked with while I competed and trained others did best where nutrition is concerned when it was less complicated. I can imagine you not getting a lot of sleep because you're filling out all those calories logs.....but seriously, j/k...in a way.
I would not try any artificial stimulants or weight loss additions until you've increased your metabolism naturally. I am sure some of the supplement folks here might disagree, but its the truth really. If you consider your body to be like a machine and treat it with consistency until such time as it stagnates and you need a change - you'll never know what will work best for you. You have to figure out what your true baseline is first, then it becomes easier over time to manipulate your diet. IMO, it takes a couple weeks when you have a severe diet change to not feel like shit; then around 6 weeks of consistency to notice more significant changes. Not saying you do, but some also link food and emotion. If you take the emotion out of food and visualize it to be 'feeding the machine' so to speak, it helps quite a bit.
I'll check in now and then to see how your doing. I wish you great success.