But as far as what I was able to accomplish for my last comp., disappointed couldn't be more off - the surge of absolute and pure ecstacy and electricity and power and joy that I felt on the day was like nothing else I've ever experienced. I felt more accomplished on that day than ever before in my life.
And since then I have definitely put on even MORE noticeable size
HOWEVER, I am not one to rest on my laurels, so if drive for higher achievement comes across as disappointment, forgive me. I have high expectations of myself, and I haven't worked like a dog for 2 years only to ruin it all with a fucked up binge mentality and a lack of connection with my body. You are right again MS - this time I WILL get it right - I'm gonna stand on that stage in 9 and a half weeks with full, pumped muscles (including my newly developed ABS) bulging through taut SKIN, ..... and if you look closely, you'll see my heart bursting with pride
That was inspiring! Especially cuz I just overdid that upping the cals thing and BOOM I'm a chunky monkey again. I can relate to the "fucked up binge mentality" and the 9.5 weeks thing. Thank you for being so determined. You've helped with the motivation immensely!