Evening all i have a friend that just went on HBP meds and me and her was hopeing for a good doc report but the only thing that was good was that she lost 20lbs but was put on HBP meds.I was just wondering if there are any things we can try as she is only 31 and is also on tyroid meds too.she loves redmeat and I know she needs to cut it out and she says she has to salt everything and I've told her to cut back on that too.She lives in a differant state so I can't watch over her.What should her diet look like and what other supps can we use.remember she is on thyroid meds with exercise and diet first what kind of fat burner would be safe to take too she is 5 lbs out from being under 200.I told her first is diet and exercise.So, please help if you can.