ready your god for blood
New member
I need to cut. It is disgusting. All excuses aside I fell way way wya out of shape. My family's genetics are that of eat anything and maintain 8% bodyfat. Mine are more eat anything and look down the barrel at 40%.
January I finally got back in the gym after a 2 year absence for all intents and purposes. Dec 24th I was 278. I was caught in a cycle. I had sobered up and started eating (which while drinking and drugging I was eating like every 3 days) So a year into being sober my face isn't on my head anymore it is just a ball of fat. I ate good. So I started training again and I have a good work ethic in the gym always have it was just getting there again. I am down to 250 now which has stalled. I changed my diet but not enough.
So my dear friends I need you guys/gals to help me out with diet and cardio (which is an extenstion of diet I know) to just help me lean it up. I started out by running 5k and 10 k races as motivvation but I really didn't train much for them I just liked running competitively. I do an hour of HIIT then I drop off saying tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. I know my weakenss. Hold no punches my skin is thick literally and figuratively. My lifting schedule is 6 days and I don't slack on those.
Some info for you all, I was MET tested at 265 and at that point my daily minum caloric burning rate was just a bit over 2200 cals. So other info
50" Chest
40" Waist
What else you need?
Diet but yeah I cheat too much no doubt I am out with friends and always cave
1 cup kashi with a scoop of protein powder
Mid morning
I slice of flax and wheat bread with nattural peanut butter
Chicken breast and steamed veggies
mid afternoon
chicken breast
NO explode no food
RTD shake
Steak/Salmon etc... and sweet potato
Here is the full swallowing of my pride a picture of this disgusting thing I let become a body I swear somewhere I have abs I swear ha ha
January I finally got back in the gym after a 2 year absence for all intents and purposes. Dec 24th I was 278. I was caught in a cycle. I had sobered up and started eating (which while drinking and drugging I was eating like every 3 days) So a year into being sober my face isn't on my head anymore it is just a ball of fat. I ate good. So I started training again and I have a good work ethic in the gym always have it was just getting there again. I am down to 250 now which has stalled. I changed my diet but not enough.
So my dear friends I need you guys/gals to help me out with diet and cardio (which is an extenstion of diet I know) to just help me lean it up. I started out by running 5k and 10 k races as motivvation but I really didn't train much for them I just liked running competitively. I do an hour of HIIT then I drop off saying tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. I know my weakenss. Hold no punches my skin is thick literally and figuratively. My lifting schedule is 6 days and I don't slack on those.
Some info for you all, I was MET tested at 265 and at that point my daily minum caloric burning rate was just a bit over 2200 cals. So other info
50" Chest
40" Waist
What else you need?
Diet but yeah I cheat too much no doubt I am out with friends and always cave
1 cup kashi with a scoop of protein powder
Mid morning
I slice of flax and wheat bread with nattural peanut butter
Chicken breast and steamed veggies
mid afternoon
chicken breast
NO explode no food
RTD shake
Steak/Salmon etc... and sweet potato
Here is the full swallowing of my pride a picture of this disgusting thing I let become a body I swear somewhere I have abs I swear ha ha