tell me what you think of this set up.
ME: working up to 5rep max.
DE: 5x5 cumalitive fatigue set up, 5 sets of 5 reps with 1min rest in between (about 85-80% of 5rep max). once all 5 sets go up then I'll bump the weight.
day 1:
inc. bench ME
push press ME
dips DE
power cleans DE
day 2:
squat ME
bbrow ME
deads DE
chins DE
day 3:
dips ME
power cleans ME
inc bench DE
push press DE
day 4:
deads ME
chins ME
squat DE
bbrow DE
frequency is:
ME: working up to 5rep max.
DE: 5x5 cumalitive fatigue set up, 5 sets of 5 reps with 1min rest in between (about 85-80% of 5rep max). once all 5 sets go up then I'll bump the weight.
day 1:
inc. bench ME
push press ME
dips DE
power cleans DE
day 2:
squat ME
bbrow ME
deads DE
chins DE
day 3:
dips ME
power cleans ME
inc bench DE
push press DE
day 4:
deads ME
chins ME
squat DE
bbrow DE
frequency is: