Bikini Mod
New member
After much soul searching I have decided that it is in the BEST interest of everyone if I simply come CLEAN about the reality of my life and my DIVORCE (if I ever FUCKING get one)!!!!! The simple fact of the matter is that I met my hopefully soon to be EX in a sweaty, seedy, shithole gym and spent the next 12 that's right TWELVE fucking years of my life trying to conform my body to his desires. Over the course of our marriage he had me on every AAS that he thought would produce the body that HE wanted to FUCK! I have suffered eating disorders and undergone more than one cosmetic surgery at HIS request. My voice has been permanently destroyed, my clit is enlarged and I have to SHAVE MY ASS because HE INSISTED that D-BOL would give me RESULTS and that it would work even better if we added some PRO-fucking-VIRON to the mix. The pics that I have posted are sadly NOT what I currently look like.....rather I have become the SHE-MALE that everyone fears becoming. But I have also become psychologically addicted to all the drugs that he has had me on and my current regimine of Dbol/winny/proviron and a little test for good measure just isn't cutting it. The point I am trying to make girls is please, please, PLEASE don't FUCKING every let a man dictate what you do with YOUR body. I am paying the price and don't want ANYONE else to ever go thru what I have. I DO NOT condone the use of AAS but when you are wearing a wig and your CLIT has reached the 4" mark does it REALLY FUCKING MATTER ANYMORE.
have a nice day
have a nice day