Scapular elevation throughout the entire ROM of upright rows. If you're not doing it, try it. Major difference. The wierd thing is that we all think we know exactly how to's funny how we forget the little things that make a major difference.
I got a little trick to do behind the neck and keep my back and neck properly aligned, i sit reversed on the chair(legs not under the knee bad) with my ass about 1/2 way on the chair, i dont have to bend my neck or back this way...
dumbell shrugs kill my traps, i never grew off barbell shrugs. Now that i been doing dumbell my traps are getting almost too big.
Kent Keuhn had a really cool techinque for this. He would get in a standing calf machine that put the brace around your shoulders. Then instead of working calves he would do shoulder shrugs... but with traps only... no arms engaged at all. He'd just shrug up his shoulders. He swears to this day this is the best trap exercise there is.