Damn 187lbs. at 6 ft? Thats practically skin and bones, eat up killa.
gotta stay under 190 of I dont want to get bodyfat tests for the army. I just cant keep on the weight when I'm going hiking every weekend and running 3 or more times a week. It's literally impossible because high altitude kills your appitite.
EM: Weird man I like them this way. I feel like I am using my hips a lot though....I dont think I could pull 225 up with just my arms.
Workouts: Missed thursday to go camping

I only got 1 weight workout in this week, camping this and last weekend
run for 18 minutes 33 seconds, at 7000 feet elevation, some uphill
Saturday: around 6 miles of hiking
Sunday: 14 mile hike, 4000 foot elevation gain. Got to an 11,204 foot peak, killer views!!!!
Later in the day:
Circuit: alteranting exercises
Pushups 4x15
situps: 4x20
dh pullups: 4x5 (alternated with chinups)