EM, Glad is right on all the points he made.
I want to address 3 points specifically.
4 injuries in 2 years is a lot. Especially because you are 14 years old. And there is no excuse for these injuries.
Secondly, you don't do a damn thing to avoid injuries. I've seen your training. You do not incorporate the correct exercise choices nor the right balance between exercises to allow yourself a steady recovery.
Maybe this will put things to light. I have been training since I was 15. Thats not much older than where you are now. Here is what my training comprised of:
2004: BB shit
2005: more BB shit but I started doing Squats. Also had my first dislocation.
2006: went to the US and did 5x5, DC. Waste of time.
2007: Spent the first half doing Texas Method. Then, I got injured and spent the year being injured doing stupid shit like you. Plus, I had a total of 8 dislocations (4 per side) on my shoulders and because of this I am one step away from needing surgery even today. I had to be rushed into the ICU on each and every one of these events. All these injuries took place outside of the gym. I tried to play American Football, etc and got injured. I once had a dislocation while having sex. You wanna know how fucking embarrassing that is? I spent 6 months of the year literally just sitting on my ass. Keep in mind that I have still not learnt how to squat OR do deadlifts. I also got my lower back injury from doing Deadlifts incorrectly. It hurt me to walk, to have sex (and to add salt to the wound; I had just started seeing this new girl), to even brush my teeth, to walk to class, to sit in a car, to bend down to tie my shoelaces for 8 months of the year because I refused to listen to Eric and address the issue.
2008: Got my head in the game. By now I had stopped being a dumbass. I stopped arguing with Eric and basically became his padawan. I am still his padawan.
2009: Still training.
2010: Hit my 500 Deadlift, 315 Front Squat and 235 Bench with +50x3 pull-ups, 15 pistol squats, 120 lbs dumbbell rows, etc.
This is something you need to think about.
I have lower back injuries (in 2007). I do EVERYTHING I can to keep my injuries at bay. Yeah we all get tweaks and what not from time to time but INJURIES are there to stay. They WILL raise their ugly head every now and again. You must take heed of that.
Why are you throwing the baby out with the bath water? I have great respect for you and yet you are making a bunch of silly statements regarding BB'ers.
Let's get something straight here: you're not a natural bodybuilder. Natural bodybuilders are guys who are genetically gifted. That is why they can just literally sit on their ass all day and jack off and still get big. You're not in this 1% minority. If you were, you wouldn't need to ask about it. You'd be born into it. Given this, I understand you wanting to get large. But you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Steroids are yesterday's news. Amateurs do steroids. The world has moved on onto much more complex and much more effective compounds.
You said you need to make training fun. No you don't.
It's not fun to do Deadlifts. It's not fun to Squat. It's not FUN to do a damn thing.
You know what's "Fun"?
Fun is getting to your goals.
Fun is looking back at your training and breaking into a smile because it all paid off.
Yes, you should enjoy your training but you don't train for "fun".
So don't get caught up in this trap. You are here to have a good time and that is correct: you must. However, you must be heading in a direction.
If you're literally just lifting for fun and you don't care AT ALL about goals or anything - which basically means you're literally just fucking around, then you don't need a journal, you don't need a plan. You just need to have "fun".
But if you want to achieve a set of goals (and I hope leg pressing isn't on that list) then you must train with the right approach in order to achieve them.